Event Registration - Idaho Rural Water Association

Webinar Wednesday! Lagoon Management Double Feature - Online
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST

Location: Online using Zoom

Event Description

Webinar Wednesday! Lagoon Management Double Feature - Online

This month we are pleased to offer TWO hours of lagoon management training for our Webinar Wednesday! presentation. 

#1 City of Homedale's Advanced Wastewater Lagoon Case Study
This presentation will discuss the history of wastewater violations the City of Homedale experienced and how they chose to work with regulatory agencies to evaluate multiple alternatives for meeting wastewater quality requirements including Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Ammonia, and Phosphorous while still using lagoon technology. The presentation will also cover the alternatives evaluated, the design of the system, construction, long-term operation and maintenance, and how the City of Homedale ultimately selected a complete mix/partial mix lagoon with phosphorous removal and ammonia nitrification as their solution.

#2 Seepage Testing
Seepage testing of wastewater lagoons is required to occur every 10 years or after upgrades to a lagoon facility. This class will present information on what you, as an operator of your system, can expect when preparing for your seepage test. The class will include discussion on DEQ regulations, types of equipment used for testing, and how different environmental effects can impact your test and change the reliability of your data. 

Instructors: Andrew Kimmel and Angus Roeper, Great West Engineering, and Craig Sturman, IRWA
Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Available: 0.2 WW
Cost: Free