Source Water Protection Workshop - Idaho Falls
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Mountain
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Drinking Water
Event Description

Source Water Protection Workshop - Idaho Falls

This workshop will offer 6 hours of drinking water credits. This is a discussion-based class focused on how to protect our water sources during the fast growth we are experiencing in Idaho! We will discuss development practices throughout the state and talk about possible solutions. The class will share viewpoints and ideas. We will let attendees explore potential threats to their water system and discuss solutions as a group. Bring your City Council Members, County Commissioners, and Planning and Zoning folks with you to maximize this opportunity! Attendees will also learn about corrosivity in their source, how to recognize it, and how to treat it. This information will coincide with the Revised Lead and Copper Rule from EPA.

Instructor: Adrianna Cardoso, Idaho Rural Water Association and friends
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Available: 0.6 Drinking Water
Cost: FREE - Sponsored by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Lunch is provided!

Setting: In-Person
Eastern Idaho Public Health
1250 Hollipark Dr
Idaho Falls, ID 83401

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Contact Person
Tondee Clark
(phone: 208-343-7001)
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