2023-2024 Awards of Excellence Nomination Form
Recognizing the outstanding contributions of rural drinking water & wastewater professionals is one of the highlights of Idaho Rural Water Association’s Spring Conferences. This is an opportunity to place recognition for outstanding performance and professionalism where it is deserved!
Award winners in each category will be honored during the Spring Conference’s Awards Banquet on April 4, 2024.
Nominations must be received by February 7, 2024.
The award categories and its descriptions are provided below:
Drinking Water Operations Specialist of the Year: This award recognizes an Idaho licensed drinking water operations specialist who is actively working in the field with outstanding leadership abilities and accomplishments in the drinking water operations.
Wastewater Operations Specialist of the Year: This award recognizes an Idaho licensed wastewater operations specialist who is actively working in the field with outstanding leadership abilities and accomplishments in the wastewater operations.
Rookie Operations Specialist of the Year: This award recognizes someone who has acquired their operator’s license in the State of Idaho (drinking water or wastewater) within the last twelve months and that does an outstanding job.
Administrator of the Year: This award recognizes an administrative employee (City Clerk, Recorder, Treasurer, Administrator, Manager, etc.) for outstanding performance in office management, customer service and any other procedures that have benefited the operation of the utility system.
Doug MacNichol Humanitarian of the Year: This award recognizes someone concerned with the interest and welfare of the public and is one who possesses traits of compassion for other humans by their acts of kindness. They go above and beyond for their community.
Drinking Water System of the Year: This award recognizes a water utility system that has demonstrated exceptional efforts to properly manage, operate and maintain their systems.
Wastewater System of the Year: This award recognizes a wastewater utility system that has demonstrated exceptional efforts to properly manage, operate and maintain their systems.
Source Water Protection System of the Year: This award recognizes a water utility system in Idaho that has demonstrated exceptional efforts to protect their drinking water for its customers and neighbors through the development or implementation of a source water protection plan.
Kelly Dahlquist Community Impact Award: This award recognizes an individual who uses herculean efforts to build up Idaho communities through drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects, strategic planning for city revitalization or has developed creative solutions to longstanding community challenges. This individual will embody a spirit of generosity and passion for Idaho’s communities.

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